- 4:00PM Musical Theater Club (for individuals in 7th grade through adult) - VIRTUAL - Free, Drop-In, No Registration Required - join weekly with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86807288506?pwd=REpSS2UzdG9rb01pQ3NkWGJ6L0lHUT09
- 5:00PM Creative Writing Club (for individuals in 7th grade through adult) - VIRTUAL - Free, Drop-In, No Registration Required - join weekly with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86807288506?pwd=REpSS2UzdG9rb01pQ3NkWGJ6L0lHUT09
- 6:00PM Improvaneers, Youth Troupe (for individuals age 10 - 15) - VIRTUAL - Classes start 1/17 - costs is $25 for 5 week class - click HERE to register
- 5:00PM* Improvaneers, Adult Troupe 1 (for individuals age 16 or older) - VIRTUAL - Classes start 1/18 - costs is $25 for 5 week class - click HERE to register
*New Time Option added to accommodate more people! Sign up for 5PM or 6PM, same class.
- 6:00PM Improvaneers, Adult Troupe 2 (for individuals age 16 or older) - VIRTUAL - Classes start 1/18 - costs is $25 for 5 week class - click HERE to register
- 4:00PM Teens & Tunes Social Hour (for individuals age 13 - 18) - VIRTUAL - Free, No Registration Required - join weekly with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/466958872?pwd=REN2UG9pcTloRis0QkljR3J2VTQ3dz09
- 4:30PM Cooking Class for Teens & Adults (for individuals in 9th grade through adult) - IN PERSON @ Richfield High School - Classes start 1/26 - cost is $75 for 8 week class, includes food/materials - click HERE to register
- 7:00PM Down To Box, Teen & Adult Class (for individuals age 13 or older) - IN PERSON @ Element Gym (St. Paul) - Classes start 1/26 - costs is $110 for 8 week class, includes one-time fee of $30 for boxing gloves and wraps - click HERE to register
- 4:00PM Physical Comedy (for individuals in 7th grade through adult) - VIRTUAL - Classes start 1/20 - cost is $15 for 8 week class - click HERE to register
- 4:00PM Adult Social Hour (for individuals age 18 or older) - VIRTUAL - Free, No Registration Required - join weekly with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/966945253?pwd=RWNHdTJzdWoyQTcyNDJ1ZWQ5VHBLZz09
- 9:00AM Down To Box, Youth Class (for individuals age 6 - 12) - IN PERSON @ Element Gym (St. Paul) - Classes start 1/29 - cost is $110 for 8 week class, includes one-time fee of $30 for boxing gloves and wraps - click HERE to register
- 9:00AM Sign Language (for all ages including families/siblings) - VIRTUAL - Classes start 1/23 - cost is $25 for 8 week class - click HERE to register