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There is nothing in the news that changes your pregnancy. Assuming you are healthy, we encourage you to enjoy the coming months.

You will most likely be classified as a high risk pregnancy. That usually means extra monitoring, more ultrasounds, and quite a bit of information coming at you over the next few months.

A lot of generalities will be made about Down syndrome. Some may apply and many may not apply to your child or your pregnancy. The extra monitoring and screening may flag some issues that your medical professional will monitor. Each pregnancy and each baby is different. Consult with your medical professionals about your pregnancy, about issues if they arise, and how they may affect your delivery and your childā€™s postnatal care.

Most importantly...

Breathe. Donā€™t feel pressured into decisions or overloaded on information during your pregnancy.

Go slowly. Gather facts and discuss them with your spouse, partner, or trusted friend or family member.

Reach out. If you need additional information, support, or a friendly ear...we are here.

Your mind may wander down the road 5 years, 15 years or more. Try not to worry about the future - this child, just like any child, will walk their own path - who knows what the future holds.

We will walk that path with you and your child. We will provide lifetime support every step of the way.

Sources and additional resources:

Global Down Syndrome Foundation & National Down Syndrome Congress Prenatal Testing Pamphlet