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Why we Step Up for Down Syndrome: Family Connectors

At DSAMn we know first hand how challenging it can be to find and navigate resources for your loved one with Down syndrome. That's why we created the Family Connector Program in 2020. Family Connectors can provide referrals and help families navigate many challenging systems like healthcare, county services, education, mental health services, partner programs and more. We have an array of staff whose professional expertise and personal experience will appeal to a wide variety of families state wide!

Thank you so much for going above and beyond to make sure my family has all the information we need to make the best decisions for Theo! I am truly overwhelmed with gratitude. - Jenny, mom to Theo.

If you need help finding, or navigating, resources connect with a Family Connector today.
Call: 651-603-0720 option 2Support Request Form

We Step Up at DSAMn for information from Family Connectors, will you Step Up with us? Register or Donate to Step Up

Jenny & Theo