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Sibyla Miller

Sibyla serves as a bilingual Family Connector and her focus is connecting with Spanish-speaking families within the Down syndrome community.

She joined the DSAMn because she has experienced first-hand how overwhelming it is to navigate the complex government systems, and now she wants to contribute to helping others get access to the support and services available for them and successfully be integrated into the Down syndrome community.

Sibyla was born and raised in the capital city of PerĆŗ, Lima. She studied nursing in Lima for a few semesters, worked for 6 years aboard different cruise ship lines, and in 2019 got the opportunity to come to the US to work in West Palm Beach, FL. In 2022, her and her husband moved to Minnesota to be closer to his family who live in White Bear Lake.
Since moving to Minneapolis, she has found volunteering a rewarding way of utilizing her free time as a housewife and at the same time as a way to integrate into her community. Nowadays, besides working with DSAMn, she works as a Spanish Tutor and volunteers with two nonprofit organizations. With ā€œMi PerĆŗ Minnesotaā€ she helps to spread the Peruvian culture around Minnesota as a dancer, and with CLUES she volunteers as an ESL Teacher for Hispanic immigrants.When she is not busy with those activities, Sibyla loves to spend her leisure time painting, embroidering, watching documentaries, and going to antique and thrift stores.

Sibyla Miller,

Sibyla sirve como Conectora Bilingue de Familias y su enfoque es conectarse con familias de habla hispana dentro de la comunidad con sĆ­ndrome de Down.
Ella se uniĆ³ al DSAMn porque ha experimentado de primera mano lo abrumador que es navegar atravĆ©z de los complejos sistemas gubernamentales y ahora quiere contribuir ayudando a otras personas a obtener acceso al apoyo y a los servicios disponibles para ellos y que se integren exitosamente a la comunidad con sĆ­ndrome de Down.
Sibyla naciĆ³ y creciĆ³ en Lima, capital del PerĆŗ. Ella estudiĆ³ enfermerĆ­a en Lima durante algunos semestres, trabajĆ³ por 6 aƱos abordo de diferentes lĆ­neas de cruceros y en 2019 vino a los Estados Unidos a trabajar en West Palm Beach, FL. En 2022, ella y su esposo se mudaron a Minnesota para estar mĆ”s cerca de la familia de Ć©l que vive en White Bear Lake.Desde su mudanza a Minneapolis, Sibyla ha encontrado en el voluntariado una forma gratificante de utilizar su tiempo libre como ama de casa y, al mismo tiempo, una forma de integrarse a su comunidad. Actualmente, ademĆ”s de trabajar con DSAMn, ella trabaja como Tutora de EspaƱol y es voluntaria en dos organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Con ā€œMi PerĆŗ Minnesotaā€, ella ayuda a difundir la cultura Peruana en Minnesota, como bailarina y con CLUES, es Profesora Voluntaria de InglĆ©s como Segunda Lengua para inmigrantes hispanos.Cuando no estĆ” ocupada con esas actividades, a Sibyla le gusta pasar su tiempo libre pintando, bordando, viendo documentales y visitando tiendas de antigĆ¼edades y de segunda mano.