Click HERE to request support

These resources can be requested and we will mail them to you! After you are done with them; we hope that you will pass them along to another parent or you can send them back to the office or leave at your local parent group!

To request one of our resources send an email to:

Adult Matters

Adults with Down syndrome. (qty 2)


The Explosive Child (qty 1)

Positive Behavioral Support in the Classroom (qty 1)

Positive Behavioral Support (qty 1)

The Out of Sync Child has Fun (qty 1)

Learning to Listen (qty 1)

Families & Positive Behavior Supports (qty 1)

Supporting Positive Behavior in Children & Teens with Down Syndrome (qty1)

Community Living & Independence

Laying Community Foundations for your Child with a Disability (qty 1)

Disability and the Family (qty 1)

Dual Diagnosis

When Down Syndrome & Autism Intersect (qyt 3)

Early Intervention

An Activity-Based Approach to Early Intervention (qty 1)

Employment & Entreprenuership

No More Job Interviews! (qty 2)

Working Relationships (qty 1)

Health & Wellness

Straight Talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids (qty 1)

Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome (qty 4) * Spanish available

The Alzeimer's Project (qty 1)

The Down Syndrome Nutritition Handbook (qty 2)

The Guide to Good Health for Teens & Adults with Down Syndrome (qty 1)


LifeFacts (qty 1)

Life Skills

LIfe Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs (qty 1)

Life Skills Activities for Special Children (qty 1)


Teach Math with People with Down Syndrome- Book 1 Basic (qty 1)

Teaching Math with People with Down Syndrome- Book 2 Advanced (qty 2)


The Shape of the Eye (qty 1)

A Good & Perfect Gift (qty 2)

Count Us In (qty 3)

You Will Dream New Dreams (qty 7)

Feel Our Freedom (qty 1)

Adventures in the Mainstream (qty 3)

My Heart Can't Even Believe It (qty 1)

Gifts 2 (qty 1)

The Year My Son and I Were Born (qty 1)

Choosing Naia (qty 1)

New & Expectant Parents

DVD: Down Syndrome the 1st 18 Months: Available in Many Languages (qty 1)

Babies with Down Syndrome: Spanish Version available (qty 3)

A Parent's Guide to Down Syndrome (qty 1)

Occupational Therapy

Fine Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome (qty 1)

Parent Resources

Building and Evaluating Family Support Initiatives (qty 1)

Children with Disabilities (qty 1)

The Special Needs Reading List (qty 1)

Visions for the 21st Century (qty 1)


Connections: The Threads that Strengthen Families (qty 1)

Changed by a Child Companion Book (qty 1)

Down Syndrome Parenting 101 (qty 1)

Down Syndrome Living and Learning in the Community (qty 1)

Growing Up Again (qty 1)

Physical Therapy

Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome (qty 2)

Post Secondary Education

The Power to Spring Up (qty 1)

Reading & Literacy

Reading & Language Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome (qty 1)

Spaces & Places (qty 1)

Try Reading Again (qty 1)

Teaching Reading to Children with Down Syndrome (qty 5)

Next Chapter Book Club (qty 3)

School & Classroom Resources

Inclusive Urban Schools (qty 1)

Student-Directed Learning (qty 1)

Smart Moves (qty 1)

Behavior Support (qty 1)

Modifying Schoolwork (qty 1)

Collaborative Teaming (qty 1)

Social Relationships & Peer Support (qty 1)

Creativity & Collaborative Learning (qty 1)

Teaching by Design (qty 1)


Boyfriends & Girlfriends (qty 2)

Girl's Guide to Growing Up (qty 2)

Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about Their Bodies (qty 3)

The Boy's Guide to Growing Up (qty 1)

Sexuality (qty 3)

Social Skills

Social Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs (qty 1)

Promoting Social Success (qty 1)

Spanish Language Resources

Beinestar Mental en Los Adultos con Sindrome de Down (qty 1)

Como Favorerecer las Habilidades Comunicativas de Los Ninos Con Sindrome de Down (qty 2)

Sindrome de Down: Habilidades tepranas de comunicacion (qty 1)

Bebes con Sindrome de Down (qty 1)

Special Education/Legal

From Emotions to Advocacy (qty 1)

Negoitating the Special Education Maze (qty 1)

Why Every Parent Should Know About Special Education Law (qty 1)

Wrightslaw: Special Education Law (qty 1)

Speech & Communication

Enhancing Nonsymbolic Communication Interaction among Learnings with Severe Disabilities (qty 1)

Body Talk (qty 2)

Classroom Language Skills for Children with Down Syndrome (qty 4)

Communications Skills in Children with Down Syndrome: Spanish Availability (qty 1)

Early Communications Skills for Children with Down Syndrome (qty 1)

Helping Children with Down Syndrome Communicate Better: Spanish Availability (qty 3)

Targeting Language Delays (qty 1)

Speaking of Apraxia ( qty 1)

Improving the Communication of People with Down Syndrome (qty 1)

The New Language of Toys (qty 1)

DVD: Baby Signing Time (1): Also available at your local library


Skillstreaming the Adolescent (qty 1)

Self-Determination Across the Life Span (qty 1)

Transition Assesment (qty 1)

The Down Syndrome Transition Handbook (qty 3)

Teaching Self-Determination to Students with Disabilities (qty 2)