Get Help from a Family Connector

Acronyms & Terms Overview Part 2: County Services

Family Connectors know firsthand how tricky it can be to navigate disability benefits and services in Minnesota. Sometimes it feels like learning a whole new language, especially with all of the different words and acronyms used! To help you get started, hereā€™s a handy list of common terms used in our community and by county and government agencies:

Acronyms & Terms

Name & Link



MnCHOICES Assessment

Assessment and support planning tool used to determine county service program eligibility. The process is similar to an interview.

MnCHOICES Assessor

Certified assessor who meets with a person to gather information about their support needs using the MnCHOICES Assessment.


Family Support Grant

Provides state cash grants to eligible families with children who have been certified disabled.

*income limit not up-to-date


Personal Care Assistant Program

PCA services help people with basic daily living tasks in their home and community to help maximize independence. A PCA is a trained individual employed by a PCA provider agency.


Consumer Support Grant

Cash grant program that allows a person to purchase items, services, and supports needed due to their disability. CSG plan expenses must be approved by the county.


Community First Services and Supports

CFSS will replace PCA and CSG starting Oct 1, 2024. Offers flexible service options to meet the unique needs of people and allows for greater independence in their homes and communities.


Waivers Link

Provide funding for home and community-based services for people who need extra help to stay at home instead of moving to a nursing home or other medical facility. Usually this is a need for a 24 hour plan of care.

DD Waiver

Developmental Disability Waiver

For people with developmental disability or related conditions who need the level of care provided in a medical facility. Requires standardized assessments (IQ testing, neuropsych testing, functional assessment).

CADI Waiver

Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver

For people with disabilities who need the level of care normally provided in a nursing facility.

Traditional Service

Service option available under disability waiver programs. Services are directed by the provider (agency). Often a higher budget is allowed but there are more overhead costs for services. Licensed supports must be used.

CDCS Service

Consumer Directed Community Supports

Service option available under disability waivers that gives people more choice. Waiver funds are self-directed to meet assessed needs. Non-licensed supports are allowed.


Community Support Plan

Support plan that details services, supports and fund allocation for the CDCS service option. Plan must be approved by the county.

Support Planner

Support Planner Link

Professional who helps people plan for, write and make changes to Community Support Plans under the CDCS service option.

Case Manager

Professional who helps people access resources and make informed choices about supports and services. May work directly for the county or through a 3rd party contractor. This is a main person of contact when accessing county services.


Fiscal Management Services

FMS providers help with financial tasks, billing and employer-related responsibilities for people who self-direct services through CSG, CDCS, and CFSS.

And our most favorite acronym of allā€¦

Acronyms & Terms

Name & Link



Family Connector

Support professional provided by the Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota. Available to walk through all things disability related for your loved one with Down syndrome.

Click here for a printable format of this list: Acronyms Terms Overview Part 2 County Services

We know, we know- even this list can be a lot! Please donā€™t take it all in on your own. Family Connectors are here to help. Reach out to us today!

Support Request Form

Phone: 651-603-0720, Press 2
